Am I the right candidate for areola incision?
Where can I see previous patients’ result images?
What are the risks involved with areola incisions?
What are the benefits of choosing an areola incision?
How long would be the recovery period?
Areola Incision is also known as Periareolar breast augmentation or ‘nipple’ incision. It’s important to note that an incision is not made on the exact nipple region. The big advantage of choosing an areola incision is in any plane breast implants could be placed. An example would be; over or partially under the muscle and completely under the muscle implants are placed. No new incisions are required once areola incisions are made. There are almost no complications with such incision and some other complications like capsular contracture and hematoma are repaired with the help of an areola incision.
Areola incision Procedure
Procedure incision is made on the lower edge of the areola. After placing the implants incision is closed with a hidden, dissolvable suture, and if there are any wounds they are covered with tissue, gauze, and a small clear dressing. A sports bra is placed post-surgery for recovery purposes. This incision method is not popular among the young woman population as with areola incision there is a higher chance of losing the ability to breastfeed and sensation around nipple region. Before you reach any firm conclusion consult with an expert and qualified surgeon prior to the surgery.
Post-Operative Recovery
The recovery process is quite similar to other breast implants procedure. Some pain or swelling is but once implants get settled they’ll soften to give a more natural look. The patient can go home after a couple of hours post-surgery to rest. The patient can perform regular activities like shampooing and showering after they feel good. Generally, patients return to their work-related activity in 3-4 days after surgery, but heavy physical activity should be avoided for at least five weeks. Remember not to drain or use chest wraps, and keep using sports bra till you fully recover.